I try plantting Hydrocotyle Tripartita and Marsile Hirsuta in my non CO2 sand substrate low tech tank a while ago. After one month, I came to conclusion that Marsilea Hirsuta did a lot better in my case. Also note that the water temperature in my aquarium is pretty high as I live in tropical region.
Both Marsilea Hirsuta and Hydrocotyle Tripartita can be grown on the water surface easily.
Hydrocotyle Tripartita growing on Malaysian driftwood above water surface.
Lab grown submersed form of Mariselea Hirsuta plant directly under water (center). It grow extremely slow in low tech setup as it only grow 4 new leaves after a month. The Marsilea Hirsuta at the back are runners sent from the plants I grow above the water surface.
Planting emersed form of Mariselea Hirsuta plant directly into the water give better result, although the plant will grow longer and bigger leaves.
Mariselea Hirsuta that I am growing outdoor emersed currently.
Trying to grow Hydrocotyle Tripartita outdoor emersed as well (right). The leaves on the left are Glossostigma. Another carpet plant which I will try to grow in my aquarium next time.

Both Marsilea Hirsuta and Hydrocotyle Tripartita can be grown on the water surface easily.

Hydrocotyle Tripartita growing on Malaysian driftwood above water surface.

Lab grown submersed form of Mariselea Hirsuta plant directly under water (center). It grow extremely slow in low tech setup as it only grow 4 new leaves after a month. The Marsilea Hirsuta at the back are runners sent from the plants I grow above the water surface.

Planting emersed form of Mariselea Hirsuta plant directly into the water give better result, although the plant will grow longer and bigger leaves.

Mariselea Hirsuta that I am growing outdoor emersed currently.

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